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Showing posts from April, 2019

GraphQL - A Short Intro

Why GraphQL is the future of APIs Since the beginning of the web, developing APIs has been a difficult task for developers. The way we develop our APIs must evolve with time so that we can always build good, intuitive and well-designed APIs. In the last few years, GraphQL has been growing in popularity among developers. A lot of companies have started adopting this technology to build their APIs. GraphQL is a query language developed by Facebook in 2012 and released publicly in 2015. It has been gaining a lot of traction. It has been adopted by a lot of big companies such as Spotify, Facebook, GitHub, NYTimes, Netflix, Walmart, and so on. In this series of tutorials, we’re going to examine GraphQL, understand what it is, and see what features make this query language so intuitive and easy to use. So, let’s get started by examining the problems with REST, and how GraphQL solves them. We will also find out why companies have been building their APIs with GraphQL, and why

Interface Vs Abstract Class After Java 8

Interface Vs Abstract Class After Java 8 With the introduction of concrete methods (default and static methods) to interfaces from Java 8, the gap between interface and abstract class has been reduced significantly. Now both can have concrete methods as well as abstract methods. But, still there exist some minute differences between them. In this article, we will try to list down the differences between interface Vs abstract class after Java 8. Differences Between Interface And Abstract Class After Java 8 : 1) Fields Interface fields are public, static and final by default. Interfaces still don’t support non-static and non-final variables. Interfaces can only have public, static and final variables. On the other hand, abstract class can have static as well as non-static and final as well as non-final variables. They also support private and protected variables along with public variables. 2) Methods After Java 8, an interface can have default and static methods along with