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Showing posts from November, 2018

Creating REST API With Spring Boot

Let's Create a REST API With Spring Boot In this post, we will learn how to create REST API with Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, and MySQL. Create the Spring Boot Project. Define Database configurations. Create an Entity Class. Create JPA Data Repository layer. Create Rest Controllers and map API requests. Create Unit Testing for API requests and run the unit testing. Build and run the Project. Requirement We need to create a simple REST API to store user data to MySQL database with that API so we can create, update, delete, and get users information. Create the Spring Boot Project First, go to  Spring Initializr  and create a project with below settings Web  — Full-stack web development with Tomcat and Spring MVC DevTools  — Spring Boot Development Tools JPA  — Java Persistence API including spring-data-JPA, spring-orm, and Hibernate MySQL  — MySQL JDBC driver Actuator  — Production-ready features to help you monitor and manage your application Gene